3 Types of Power Steering Systems

The power steering system is a system designed to provide assistance in the form of pressure towards the steering rack so that the steering wheel control process can be lighter. This is quite important, especially in large vehicles, if it is not equipped with power steering, it will really drain the driver’s energy. Steering wheel…

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3 Axle Components and Their Functions

The axle or differential is a powertrain component that functions to differentiate the rotation of the left and right wheels on one axle. The axle will be very useful when the car turns, when the car turns left the left rear wheel has a shorter track than the right rear wheel. If the rotation of…

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7 Types of Clutch in Car

Types of Clutch in Car In a vehicle, every component in it has an important role. Although not all components have crucial status, if they malfunction, the vehicle will not be able to run or break down. One of the components in a vehicle is the clutch. The clutch is a component that connects the…

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3 Main Function Piston Rod in a Car

Does anyone know what the function of a piston rod is? Maybe there are some of my friends who don’t know the details. So in the vehicle piston working system, there is a long rod whose function is to help the performance of all engine components to remain optimal. A brief explanation is like this,…

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3 Types Transmission System

In connection with the increasingly advanced development of automotive companies, motor vehicle manufacturers continue to develop so that they always create good products for sale. Even today, many vehicle factories implement automatic transmission systems in every vehicle they make. Transmission Types After knowing the meaning of transmission, it would be good for automotive friends to…

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What is the main system of a carburetor?

How does a carburetor work? Does anyone know what the mechanism is? Maybe some of my friends don’t know yet, so allow me to discuss it thoroughly. Every vehicle, be it a motorbike or a car, needs a carburetor, fuel and air must be supplied simultaneously so that they mix in the engine combustion chamber….

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How the Starter System Works?

The starter system functions as the engine starting system in the vehicle. A starter system is needed for vehicles because a car or motorbike engine cannot start by itself, but needs initial power to trigger the first combustion. In general, there are two types of starter systems, namely; Mechanical starter system, this uses human power…

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12 Motorcycle Clutch Components

Motorbikes are a means of transportation that is really needed by all people, because motorbikes are useful as a means of daily transportation. For example, going to the office, going to college or even using it for other purposes. You need to know, motorbikes have various components and one of them is the clutch component….

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6 Motorcycle Electrical Components

Even though the circuit is simpler than car electricity, the components in a motorbike electrical system cannot be said to be small. Just look at the front of the motorbike, apart from the lights we also find indicator panels that are included in the motorbike’s electrical system. Moreover, if our motorbike has EFI technology, the…

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