Does Electric Car Oil Really Exist? (News, Automotive Basics, Encyclopedia) – Does electric car oil exist and won’t it kill the world oil industry? An interesting question to discuss, of course. The paradigm shift in terms of using environmentally friendly energy is one of the triggers for massive changes in the automotive world. The transformation from internal combustion engine cars to electric powered cars is an inevitable one. In the 2040-50s the difference will be very visible. This is not without reason of course. There are factors that influence it.

  • Cheaper batteries that will drop to more than 50% of current prices by 2030 (see: Bloomberg NEF ).
  • Government policies in developed countries are increasingly stringent to prohibit the existence of classic cars (ICE) for health reasons.
  • The actions of car manufacturers, which previously persisted in sticking to the old pattern, seem to be starting to change and move to technology that involves batteries for power.
  • Look at Tesla’s technology as an electric car maker as an example. The convenience afforded by the Tesla Model 3 is one of the most striking to date.


Does Electric Car Oil Really Exist? Total Answer

It seems like this oil company for internal combustion cars hasn’t lost its mind and is looking for gaps in the era of electric cars. Total Launches Its Range of Electric Vehicle Lubricants at the CTI Symposium in Berlin.

The future of transportation still has many unmeasured variables. There are still many questions regarding all the things that might happen. No one knows whether the likes of Tesla or service providers like Uber will outperform legacy manufacturers. Or whether China, which ‘failed’ in the internal combustion engine competition, will dominate future EV vehicles. Seeing the behavior that is happening, it is not impossible that all of this will come true.

The shift towards EVs will create long waves that impact every aspect of the ecosystem. Fuels, lubricants, and equipment and the creation of market opportunities are some examples. Adaptation is one of the keys that will be able to maintain sustainability as Total does. They recently introduced their first line of lubricants for electric cars.

Lubricants designed for EVs

Unconsciously, every motor vehicle user has an important part in fuel efficiency when they use lubricants properly. Total is one of the leaders in lubrication in products and services. They are responsible for the environment related to marine, automotive, truck and industrial applications.

Internal combustion engines and EVs are very different, and so is the lubrication required. If an ICE requires lubrication to minimize engine and transmission friction, this is not the case for an EV. See the following video for comparison.

At the CTI Symposium in Berlin in early December 2018, Total presented two lubricant ranges developed for electric vehicles: Total Quartz EV Fluid for passenger cars and Total Rubia EV Fluid for industrial and commercial vehicles and buses.