Interesting Facts about Formula One Part 1 (Formula 1, History)

[latexpage] time, Teknikmobil wants to discuss Formula One facts part 1, which is part of a series of articles on other interesting Formula One facts. Enjoy our news presentation.

Interesting Formula One Facts Part 1: Drivers and Other Important People

Red Bull Team(c)

As the most successful sport, Formula One is filled with the names of famous people in the world. Just like CR7 in football or Tiger Woods in golf or Elon Musk in electric vehicles, the biggest name drivers in Formula One have millions of fans around the world who watch their superstars’ every move and hope that their idols can win every time they go out on the track. .

But drivers aren’t the only big names in Formula One. Many team bosses have personalities that are their own attraction. Some, such as Renault boss Flavio Briatore, are very famous for appearing in world celebrity gossip columns. This is a form of appreciation for the great work they have done for their team.

But it’s not just the drivers and team bosses who are famous – because even the chief organizers have their own fame. Bernie Ecclestone, who manages the commercial side of Formula One, is a well-known figure in much of society and is reputed to be one of the richest men in Britain. Max Mosley, president of motor racing’s governing body, the FIA, is also widely known.

Interesting Formula One Facts Part 1: Drivers

The next interesting facts about Formula One part 1 are the racers involved in this land jet race.

The drivers are, of course, the main focus of almost everyone in Formula One. Without drivers there would be no racing, and without the intense battles, psychological warfare and the fact that some drivers don’t like each other, it certainly wouldn’t be interesting to follow every twist and turn of Formula One racing over the course of a season.

The best-earning drivers these days are earning the kind of money most of us can only dream of, but they’ve certainly worked hard for it. Not only do they have to take huge risks in driving a Formula One car at 200 mph, but they also have to work with the team to get tenths of a second out of the car, deal with the media, and attend promotional events for their sponsors.

For some drivers, it proves too much pressure to be a successful Formula One star. They leave sports behind and look for something a little more relaxing to do. For those who can overcome all the pressure and risks, and become the best by winning medals regularly, the rewards can be greater than they may have ever imagined. As the jargon says “there is a heavy price to be paid for a great struggle”.

While money, attention and the thrill of driving fast cars are considerable rewards for being a good Formula One driver, there is nothing better than actually winning in each series for a true racer. Some racers claim that winning gives them the best pleasure they have ever experienced in their lives.

In the next article, we will continue with several other interesting facts from Formula One racing, which are summarized in part 2 of the article.